Cars, Cars HO Scale, Etrains

Citroën HY panel van – pearl beige metallic

SKU: WIK026208


4 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale

Strange nickname, but faithful transporter

His nickname seemed strange, but in a figurative sense it was aptly chosen by the vernacular: From a purely visual point of view, the square radiator of the Citroën HY actually had something of the “pig snout” (“nez de cochon”) referred to in the vernacular. The HY type was presented as a small transporter in 1947 by the French automobile manufacturer Citroën – a year before the duck. In France and the Benelux countries, but also in Saarland, the HY type was one of the most widespread small vans of French origin. Particularly striking: the bodywork on the side looked like it was planked with corrugated iron. The vehicle was built from 1947 to 1981.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 year

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