Cars, Cars HO Scale, Etrains

Jaguar XK 120 – pale green

SKU: WIK080104


1 in stock

HO 1:87 Scale

The Jaguar XK 120 was originally intended to serve as a stop-gap solution for the London Motor Show” in October 1948 and to be flashy enough to create an eye-catching effect at the first fair after World War II. Jaguar wanted to use the show as a platform for presenting its new in-line six-cylinder engine for a new high-speed limousine. However, body engineering at Pressed Steel hit a snag and could not be finished in time. So, the company made the spur-of-the moment decision to fit and present the engine in a speedy sports car. Over the course of the decades, this Jaguar became increasingly popular with fans as its authenticity cannot be beat.”

Year manufacture – 1948-54

Note – Model building item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years.

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