Buildings, Buildings HO Scale, Etrains

Set of 3 apartments for WBS 70 – kit

SKU: BUS1990


1 in stock

HO – 1:87 Scale

Kit for 3 apartments as interior fittings for the WBS 70 buildings from Busch No. 1926/1927. For attachment at any floor height to the interior side walls included in both building sets. Before this interior construction with apartment elements is introduced into the building from above, the rooms can be furnished and illuminated.
With cutting sheets for floor coverings and wall decorations. The furnishing sets “Painting”, “In flagranti” and “Ironing”, Busch No. 1991-1993, are perfect for decorating the rooms yourself.

Note: Figures, vehicles and other accessories not mentioned above are not included and shown as an example of use.

Note – Model item, not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 year

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